AP Montage

AP Montage

Wednesday, October 30, 2013



Lie #1: "Telangana was a separate entity for 2200 years out of 2500 years of Telugu history"

Historically, this is untrue. From Satavahanas and Kakatiyas (A.D. 1162 – 1323) to
the Vijayanagara Rayas (A.D. 1336 – 1565), Qutub Shahis (A.D. 1518 – 1687) and
the Nizams (A.D. 1720 – 1948), Telugus were ruled as a single political entity for a
large part of history. Even if you take the Muslim rule which is the recent past, most
of the present day Andhra Pradesh was under the suzerainty of one political power.

In A.D.1766, the Nizam signed a treaty with the British, whereby in return for the
Northern Circars (most of the Coastal Andhra region- which was initially given to the
French), the British agreed to furnish Nizam Ali Khan with a subsidiary force as and
when required. As per another treaty, he surrendered the Guntur circar in A.D.1788. Yet another treaty was signed by the Nizam In A.D.1800 with the British to cede an area comprising the districts of Rayalaseema and Bellary (now in Karnataka).

Even though different kings ruled different parts of the Telugu-speaking region albeit for brief periods, we cannot use historical balkanization to buttress arguments for dividing the state. This argument is as good as saying, India, which was ruled by 500 different kings and nawabs in pre-Independence era, should have as many states.

It is an undeniable fact that the entire Andhra Pradesh of the present day shared similar cultural and
linguistic features all through the history, notwithstanding being under different political dispensations for brief spells.

See maps:

Courtesy: Visalandhra Mahasabha

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