AP Montage

AP Montage

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Telangana Lies - Continued...

Another lie by those who want to divide Andhra Pradesh - "Nehru during the merger said that an innocent bride is being given in marriage to a crafty groom. According to Nehru, there was a provision of divorce at the time of merger"

This is another falsehood that the separatists have been spreading for too long.
Nehru never uttered these words in his Nizamabad Speech where the separatists
assert that he provided this blank cheque for future use.

The Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, which reproduced the Prime Minister’s
speech at Nizamabad in full, nowhere mentions this remark. In fact, if one observes
the tone and tenor of the speech, Nehru was emphatic about the need for the
people to live together for all-round development of the country.

That he was so against regional, parochial arguments is clear from the following statement of his:
“India does not belong only to you or me but to all of us. Bharat Mata does not belong only
to the people of Hyderabad, or Uttar Pradesh alone. All of us are parts of India and the
whole country belongs to all of you from the Himalayas down to Kanniyakumari. You cannot
tell me Hyderabad and Nizamabad belong to you and Allahabad and Delhi to me. I too have
a right in Hyderabad just as you have claim to the Himalayas, Delhi and other places.”

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