AP Montage

AP Montage

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What did Dasarathi Rangacharya say on Telangana?

Dasarathi Rangacharya's Interview - Open Heart with RK on ABN Andhra Jyothi Channel

Interesting, please read....

English Translation of essential portions from the interview:

1. Quli Qutb Shah ruled whole of today's Andhra Pradesh (CE 1580 to 1611)
2. He called this WHOLE region Telangana 
That is, Telangana at that time meant land of Telugu speaking people which is Rayalaseema, Coastal Andhra & today's Telangana.
In simple words, whole of today's Andhra Pradesh was called Telangana at that time.
3. Over a period of time, what remained of that Telangana is the 10 districts which you see today
4. Many tried to create mischief in the name of Telangana
5. Chenna Reddy and Ranga Reddy sold themselves for official positions in 1969
6. Telangana people asked for Visalandhra state first. Others asked only for Andhra state

Well, well,.....so TRS-TJAC-OU mafia which was peddling lies as history stand exposed again! They can't deny any of the above especially since it's an eminent Telanganite who said this. Of course, this is history....what actually happened. But which TRS & co never accepted and tried to twist facts and rewrite history.

Those who try to build a future on falsehoods, will see their present destroyed!

Original interview (in Telugu) - ePaper:

Original interview ABN Video:

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